Charm and Roxy

Charm and Roxy are an amazingly fun pair of dogs, different in as many ways as they are alike! Roxy is a Chihuahua — with possibly some Miniature Pinscher in the mix somewhere — practically bursting with the energy and vibrancy of her youth. She doesn’t just run, she flies across the ground at a speed that defies expectations! Charm the Pug lives up to his name in the biggest way possible, and at 13 years young, mostly deaf and blind, I can happily say that age has not blunted his love of life (or food) whatsoever. His runs may be more deliberate but no less enthusiastic than Roxy’s, and he lays down some of the best high fives I’ve ever seen from a dog.

These two are still settling into their forever home (and what a great home it is — the dedication and love from their handlers is amazing) but they get along as if they’ve spent their entire lives with one another.

Kaylee Greer - May 29, 2013 - 10:13 pm

Oh my gosh! That TONGUE! I can’t even stand how much I love Charm! Also – Roxy’s happy face as she is flying through the air is the most perfect definition of joy! Amazing work, as always!

Purple Collar Pet Photography - May 31, 2013 - 8:35 pm

Thanks, Kaylee! That tongue is something else, isn’t it? 🙂

moi - June 22, 2013 - 4:27 am

Precious pups, aw I just love the way Charm’s tongue hangs out to the side all the time, too cute. Great images.

Jennifer - December 27, 2014 - 10:46 pm

SOOOOOO CUTE. The quality is remarkable.

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