Dee Dee

One of the first things I learned about Dee Dee — before we’d even met — was that she was getting on in years. But after meeting the twelve year-old Welsh Corgi I quickly learned that — at least to her — age is just a number. Yes, there are the minor inconveniences that come with growing older that she has to deal with, but she doesn’t let them come between her and her ability to enjoy the many things life has to offer — things like treats, runs in the park, and the chance to let the wind ruffle her fur as she hangs out the car window.

If for no other reason, this is why I will always look fondly back on my brief time with Dee Dee and her people as a chance to enjoy the company of a truly sweet dog that has found a wondrous opportunity to share her love, and receive so much in return.

Tamara - June 11, 2012 - 4:22 pm

This is one of the cutest dogs I’ve ever seen. I am in love with Dee Dee. Your photographs put a huge smile on my face. One of the best pet photographers I’ve seen. Love your work!!!

Teresa Gilpin - September 19, 2012 - 3:19 am

DeeDee is a beautiful corgi! And her pictures came out great! But the photography is gorgeous too! I have seen other corgi photos from “Purple Collar Pet Photography”, and they are always stunning! I live in Texas, now I wish I lived in CA so I too could have some pictures of my corgis done. This is such a great way to pay tribute and to remember your cherished furbaby in the years to come.

Alice G Patterson - November 27, 2012 - 12:27 pm

Saw some of these over at the Daily Dog Tag, and had to come see the rest of your amazing images. So great!

Happy Tail: Dee Dee | The Daily Dog Tag - November 27, 2012 - 8:28 am

[…] You can see more images of Dee Dee on the Purple Collar Pet Photography blog. […]

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